Breakdown · Another day, another outage, another day to learn something as an engineer from the widespread outage. In the scale point of view, Cloudflare...
Golang periodically runs a garbage-collection algorithm to free up unreachable objects. For longer programs, this task itself eats up a lot of CPU....
Initially, it's a little overwhelming to understand another language just to write pipelines whether it's Groovy for Jenkins or YAML for other CI/CD...
Go Nuggets · Naked returns are the returns which return nothing. These issues appear in languages like C and as Go is highly inspired from that so it...
GO Nuggets · In Go, most of the devs use strings to store the secrets which later on can be seen in the log files or can be sent to some external logging...
GO Nuggets · How would you feel when your efficient Go code uses less memory than allocated but still managed to crash. Well this was the issue in the...